Radiation Safety for Uranium Exploration


This learning program is not a Queensland Radiation Health approved course. Currently there is no requirement from Radiation Health in Queensland for a "Use License" for workers performing uranium exploration


One Day


In the context of ensuring the safety of uranium exploration workers exposed to ionising radiation from naturally ocurring radioactive material, this learning program is designed to meet the requirements of the following standards:

"Guidance Note GQN12: Radiation Protection from naturally ocurring radioactive materials (NORM) during exploration" April 2008 - Queensland Government Department of Mines and Energy

"The Code of Practice for Radiation Protection and Radioactive Waste Management in Mining and Mineral Processing" (2005) - ARPANSA

The course covers radiation safety issues related to typical operations and environments, and the normal chemical and radiological variability of naturally ocurring uranium and thorium isotopes (and daughter products) found in modern uranium exploration processes.

The learning program is practical in nature; participants will be involved in a number of small group workshops and discussions centred on concepts and problems useful to exploration activities. Topics include:

  • Basics of radiation physics
  • Units (Including ALI, DAC, Bq, Sv, etc)
  • Biological effects and measuring risk
  • Identification and control of internal and external hazards at exploration sites
  • Operational planning, work area and task design
  • Selection and use of relevant radiation instruments, off site testing and determining risk levels by comparing test results with relevant standards.
  • Contamination control and decontamination

Assessment for the course is competency based. The assessment instrument is a multiple choice and short answer open book exam of approximately 20 minutes duration. All questions must be answered correctly to achieve competency.


Class room based delivery at our venue, or delivered specifically for clients at their venue and contextualised to the client’s specific systems.